A big heartfelt thank you

Posted on: 27 April 2024

TheDomDom Spring Term Concert 2024

A big heartfelt thank you to all my drummers and their families for enabling me to do what I love doing. Thanks to you, I have been lucky enough to turn my passion into my living. I consider myself very fortunate. And never more so than at TheDomDom concerts.

Our recent Spring Term Concert (27.3.24, the 7th DomDom concert) was no exception.

So this is just a little note to extend a big heartfelt thank you to:

  • everybody who came to support
  • everybody who played:

Harriet, Jess, Sam, Jonathan, Ava, James, Edward, Josie, Alex, Sunny, Scarlett, Gary, Paul, Rosie, Joshua, Tilly, Dominique, Jamie & Matthew. 

  •  my colleagues Nick & Russ from SoulFood for providing bass, guitar & vocals for the increasing (yay!) number of drummers that   opted to perform with a live band.
  • Wendy & her team at The Pavilion for expertly hosting us for the 3rd time.
  • Gavin from Beaucroft for attentively capturing the evening on camera.

And thank you to those drummers that put their heart and soul into their practice and topped the ‘Who’s-aceing-TheDomDom’s-TomToms’ chart in the Spring Term:

Chris, David, Dominique, Jonathan, Sam, Eva, Amber & Edward 

Here’s to a great summer term culminating in a great Summer Concert.

A big heartfelt thank you to you all for being part of TheDomDom 🙂

Hi Dom

Thank you so much for organising the concert last night. 

I genuinely nearly cried watching Rosie perform. She has always hated doing anything that draws attention to her but somehow you have managed to get her not only to perform but to do it with a band. She doesn’t have a huge amount of self-belief but you have built her confidence to a level that nobody else has ever achieved. I was quite overwhelmed by how well she played and how comfortable she was in front of an audience and with the band.

So, thank you so much for bringing out the very best in our daughter.


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