Happy Holidays
Posted on: 25 July 2024
Happy holidays everybody and thank you for all your support throughout the academic year 🙂
And what a year we’ve had…..
Since September 2023:
- TheDomDom drummers have collectively practised 80810 minutes / 1347 hours
- 11 DomDom drummers donated their respective prices and sponsored the planting of a whopping 1100 trees. Our current total now stands at 5119 trees (click here for full details on the scheme)
- 18 DomDom drummers challenged themselves by taking their next grade with our best results to date: 9 merits & 9 distinctions.
- 24 DomDom drummers came to rehearse with SoulFood and gained playing experience with a live band.
- 43 DomDom drummers performed in this year’s DomDom end of term concerts
And I had the pleasure of teaching around 1634 lessons and am enjoying my holidays 😉
As always, we celebrated the end of the academic year with TheDomDom Summer Term concert.
It was our 8th concert and our 3rd to feature the option for DomDom drummers to perform with a live band. I’m very pleased to report that ever more of my drummers are taking advantage of this opportunity: 13 out of the 24 performers to be precise.
For me it was a very moving affair and I want to extend my sincerest thanks to:
- All 140 of you that came to support
- Everybody who performed:
- My colleagues Russ & Nick from SoulFood for providing guitar, vocals and bass
- Wendy, Tracey and all the team at The Pavilion for expertly hosting us for the 4th time
As always the concert also served as an opportunity to recognise those DomDom drummers that were particularly committed to their practice and topped the Summer Term ‘Who’s-aceing-TheDomDom’s-TomToms’ chart.
Hats off to:
Chris, Dave, Paul, Thomas, Jonathan, Max, Sam, Jem and Harriet
May you all have an entirely agreeable summer break.
I very much look forward to welcoming you all back in September. Thank you for being part of TheDomDom 🙂
Hiya Dom,
I hope my message finds you well rested after yesterday. It was a such a great night and I can only imagine the amount of work and money that goes into the before, during and after! So, thank you 🙂
I just wanted to message to say a big end of term thank you as well, as I don’t feel I expressed it last night! I am so grateful for your teaching and to have found something that I continue to enjoy so much and something that keeps me so grounded. This is a credit to the drums but more so a credit to your teaching as well (my perseverance with stuff isn’t always the best!)
I also want to say thanks for the little added pressure with the concert. Your patience/coaching helps me to feel confident to trust the process and know it’ll be worth it in the end. Personally, this concert was the biggest challenge yet and, as a result, the biggest confidence boost yet. I feel great for having done it and grateful to you for providing the opportunity.
Also, a massive thank you to Russ and Nick for another opportunity to play as a band! It is always a pleasure to play alongside them and, as always, they were fantastic and awesome to watch!
I hope you have a wonderful summer break with your family, friends and the drums! 😉 bring on the sunshine!! See you in September 🙂
Hi Dom
I just wanted to say how much Artie and I enjoyed yesterday evening. He was absolutely buzzing when he left and wants to perform next year so… mission accomplished! He’s been deciding which Metallica track he wants to perform…
He also wants to up his game in terms of practice level so… Fingers crossed this lighthearted element of healthy competition has put another little fire in his belly!
The concert was super and it was wonderful to be part of the wider Dom Dom community you have built. I hope we’re here for a long time.
Thanks very much and have a super summer