Happy New Year

Posted on: 31 December 2024

Happy new year everybody

Happy New Year everybody.

May 2025 treat you and your loved ones well and often see you happy, healthy and full of groove.

2024 was a special year for me, a great one for TheDomDom and I start 2025 with a lot of gratitude in my heart:

Thank you to all of you who drummed with me in 2024.

Thank you to all of you who performed in The Spring and Summer Term DomDom Concerts and in the Christmas recitals.

Thank you to all of you who came to my studio to share in your loved one’s last pre-Christmas lesson.

And hats of to all of you who graded at the end of the year:

On Friday, the 13th of December 2024, 14 of my drummers challenged themselves by taking a graded music exam. Luckily, the date had little influence on the results ;-):

0 fails, 0 passes, just 8 merits & 6 distinctions.

Hats off and a big shout out to:

Dominique, Bianca, Matthew, Joshua, Thomas, Rosie, Freddie, Jonathan, Jacob, Artie, Amber, Alex, James H. and Eva S. 

A special mention at this stage to Matthew for accomplishing Grade 8, which is no small feat and then some.

As always, I am grateful to RSL Awards for providing the syllabus and for arranging for Jon to come to TheDomDom’s studio to examine  all of the above drummers.

And last, but not least, my respect and gratitude to those DomDom drummers that put their heart and soul into their practice and topped the ‘Who’s-aceing-TheDomDom’s-TomToms’ chart in the autumn term:

Dave, Chris, Dominique, Freddie, Matthew, Sabella, Max and Alex 

Here’s to music, drums and love being a positive force in all our 2025.

Thank you very much for being part of TheDomDom 🙂

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